Dharamshala, India — “Historically, according to Chinese documents, Tibet, Mongolia and China were independent nations in the 7th, 8th and 9th centuries,” His Holiness told a group of students from the USA and Israel. But he said: “However, the past is past. We need to take account of the reality today. We are not seeking separate status for Tibet."
US supports reciprocal access to Tibet, Congress rejects China’s authority to choose new Dalai Lama
Washington, DC — The United States Department of State supports the goals of the Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act and will take steps to implement the bill if it becomes law, a department official said at a Subcommittee Hearing titled ‘The China Challenge, Part 3: Democracy, Human Rights, and the Rule of Law’ on 4 December.
Tibet was never a part of China but Middle Way remains a viable solution: Report
Dharamshala, India — Providing the most comprehensive overview on Tibet’s past, present and future, the Tibetan government in exile has launched a new report titled ‘Tibet Was Never A Part Of China But The Middle Way Approach Remains a Viable Solution’.
New addition to China’s ”No Religious Tolerance” Policy
Brussels, Belgium — The European Parliament’s Intergroup on Freedom of Religion or Belief and Religious Tolerance has categorised China under “severe violations” group. China is also ranked amongst the worst violators of Freedom of Religion or Belief and Religious Tolerance in the World.