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Tokyo: Responding to the biased "Tibet exhibition" organized by the Chinese government in Tokyo, representatives of three major Tibet Support groups in Japan visited the office of Tokyo Ueno Mori Museum on 24 December to file a petition signed by some six hundreds Japanese.

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Dharamshala: November 25, 2009; In 1999, the United Nations decided to adopt this date, naming it the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women," calling upon the world's women's groups to use this day for both the perpetuation of women's local and global rights and the condemnation of the violence against them.

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Dharamsala October 08, 2009: The Association of Tibetan Journalists (ATJ) has released a press statement appealing to participants at the World Media Summit, a gathering organized by the Chinese government's official new agency, Xinhua, to be mindful of the Chinese Communist Party's lies and propaganda, as well as the widespread media censorship and free speech violations in China and Tibet.