Dharamshala, India — Chinese authorities continue to crack down on Tibetans in Draggo County after a Buddha statue was destroyed in Draggo County, Kham Region, Eastern Tibet. The plight of former Tibetan political prisoners is worsening, with no freedom of movement in Draggo County.

Dharamshala, India — Tashi Wangchuk, the former political prisoner and Tibetan language advocate, went to Yushu city to meet with top officials to ask them to strengthen the use of the Tibetan language inside and outside the government and schools, but later Chinese police summoned him to the police station and interrogated him for more than two hours.

New York, USA — ‘Chinese authorities were committing crimes against humanity as part of a widespread and systematic attacks including mass detention, torture, and cultural persecution. Tibetans inside Tibet continued to be subjected to grave abuses, including harsh and lengthy imprisonment for exercising their basic rights,’ said Human Rights Report 2022.

Dharamshala, India — The 99-foot-tall Buddha statue and 45 prayer wheels were destroyed by local Chinese authorities in Draggo county, Kham, Tibet. Even though local Tibetans have legal documents for the construction of the giant Buddha statue, Chinese authorities demolished it six years after it was built.

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