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Brooklyn, US – If Tibet is part of People's Republic of China, as the Chinese government insists, then why are Tibetans treated so badly? said Rose Tang, a Chinese born-activist and dissident based in Brooklyn, US.

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Dharamshala — In response to the White Paper released by the State Council Information office of China on April 15, Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) the largest pro independence organization in exile states that this White Paper, is full of 'White lies' and the allegations made by Chinese government against TYC are baseless and dishonest.

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Dharmshala — China has set a definitive tone for this year's commemorations of the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region's 50 years by coming out with its most exhaustive and strongest rejection yet of the Middle Way Approach. But there is a catch. China's version of MWA finds little consonance with the Tibetan proposal for genuine autonomy.

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Dharamshala: - Kasur Lodi G. Gyari, who was one of Tibetan Youth Congress' (TYC) four founders, massively understates the situation when he notes, "TYC was not founded overnight."

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Dharamshala: - Instead of speaking out on the widespread human rights violations of Tibetans inside Tibet, some foreign dignitaries reportedly endorsed Chinese Communist Party Tibet policy and attacks on His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibetan people at a recent Lhasa conference.

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New York: - Dr. Lobsang Sangay, the current Sikyong, or political leader of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamshala, recently announced a big push. The Tibetan community would begin a renewed struggle for the "middle way" approach which stresses autonomy over outright independence. It was a serious and courageous statement of resolve by the CTA and represents a new chapter in the Tibetan struggle.

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Dharamshala: - Being part of the recently launched international awareness campaign on Middle Way Approach which aims to counter the Chinese government's misinformation campaign, I am elated to see the response it is generating world over.

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