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California, USA: - Communists believe that religion is poison, as Mao Zedong himself told the spiritual leader of Tibet,His Holiness the Dalai Lama, sometime between 1954 and 1955. But to us Tibetans, religion is the soul and foundation of our lives.

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Amherst, MA USA: Although the revolution in Libya is no longer in the headlines, that country’s attempt to move from dictatorship to democracy holds important lessons for Tibet. The first is that political change can come quickly and unexpectedly, especially in an autocratic regime that relies on brute force.

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Montréal, Canada: - "In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes ," or so said pop culture icon Andy Warhol. But are world events, revolutions, natural disasters also destined to suffer Warhol's 15 minute fate?

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Montreal:- The majority of pro-Tibetan politicians in South Africa are either in the opposition party or have some other vested interest. Elsewhere, many world leaders use the Dalai Lama's limelight or the Tibet issue to show off their own ethical values.

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Sydney: - His Holiness the Dalai Lama decided in March this year to step down as the political leader of Tibet and focus on religious affairs, thus bringing to a close four centuries of governmental tradition.


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Montreal, Canada: - Now that the new Kalons [Ministers] have been nominated and sworn in, I am sure that many of the exile Tibetans are intensely discussing and questioning why he/she should or shouldn't get selected. Just like in any playoff game, the coaches, players and spectators always deliberate after the game - this is absolutely normal. If your curiosity seeks more explanations, then here is my take behind Kalon Tripa's nominations. Just to recap quickly the names of our six new Kalons: 1. Dhonchung Ngodup, 2. Pema Chhinjor, 3. Dolma Gyari, 4. Tsering Dhondup, 5. Dicki Chhoyang, and 6. Dr Tsering Wangchuk.

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Dharamshala: - Once again the small Tibetan world in exile seems to be torn apart by an emotional and political dispute over the devolution of the administrative and political powers of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the democratically elected organs of the Tibetan Administration and over the change of the title of "Tibetan Government-in-Exile" in Tibetan language to "Central Tibetan Administration".

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