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Dharamshala: - The English version of ‘Hidden Tibet: History of Independence and Occupation', a book penned by Russian writer Dr S.L. Kuzmin, has been made available online.

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Dharamshala: Human Rights in China (HRIC), a non-governmental organization of scholars and activist focusing on human rights issues, have interviewed famous Chinese writer, critic, and publisher Hu Ping on Tibetans self-immolation acts as a form of non-violent resistance in regards to historical and religious context.

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Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama recently arrived back in Dharamshala after an extensive fifteen-day visit to Europe which covered Italy, England and Scotland. While there he met British royalty, European celebrities and another global human rights superstar-Aung San Suu Kyi.


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Mumbai: - Journalist Trinolda Colaco meets board member of Students for a Free Tibet Mumbai, Passang Tashi, to discuss refugee life and the struggle for a Free Tibet.

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Dharamshala: In 2011, the spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama reiterated his belief that China is committing a form of 'cultural genocide'* in Tibet: consciously, deliberately and with intent. However, totaliatarian states, or even democratic ones for that matter, rarely signal their intent to commit genocide-cultural, economic or otherwise in actual overt policies.

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Dharamshala: Gabriel Lafitte is a development policiy consultant to the Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharamsala, northern India. Here he considers China's attempts to erode Tibetan cultural indentity.

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