Dharamshala — In an exclusive interview with Tibet Post International (TPI), Tibet Youth Congress (TYC) General Secretary, activist, writer and Tibetan refugee Sonam Tsering spoke about the struggles faced by Tibetans as escapees, refugees and activists. "I had no idea that I was going to leave my parents and family forever, when I escaping to a free country. They knew that if I stayed in Tibet, I would either graze animals or be sent to compulsory Chinese boarding schools run by the Chinese government and return home as a Chinese," he said.

Tibet Post International (TPI) conducted an exclusive interview with renowned Tibetan poet, writer, and activist Tenzin Tsundue. Talking about the ideal dream of every Tibetan, he said that independence is the ultimate goal, which alone can keep the power of dreams alive, and if required, we are also willing to wait a thousand years. The Middle Way Approach should therefore only be seen as a survival tactic.

Tenzin Topdhen, the director of Tibet Museum in Gangkyi, Dharamshala. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala — TPI conducted an exclusive interview with Tenzin Topdhen, Director of the Tibet Museum. In this interview, he talks about the museum, its significance, the challenges the team faced in building the museum, his own experience of collecting objects and the purpose of all the stories.

Author Amy Yee and her new book Far from the Roof of the World. Photo: Amy Yee/TPI

Dharamshala — In an exclusive interview with the author of <<Far from the Roof of the World>>, the award-winning journalist and author said, "Tibet is like a flower or a plant that is trapped in a cage and cannot grow freely. Put a part of this flower in a different soil, like India or Australia, then it is no longer caged, it gets sunlight,, The soil is different but now it can grow."

New Delhi — In an exclusive interview with TPI, Tibetan activist Leden talks about his goal of escaping from Tibet to a free country in order to tell to the United Nations and the world about the fate of Tibet: “We know that there is an organisation called the UN, which deals with the disputes and difficulties of people in the world. Therefore, in order to appeal to the UN for the fate of Tibet and for the independence of Tibet, and also to explain how innocent Tibetans were killed during the forced annexation of Tibet by China, I escaped to India.”

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